WTF 5/29/2024

Editorial cartoon: Saturday, April 27, 2024 - The Sumter Item

Trump and his promises revisited… 


Back on May 15 I wrote a WTF column where I warned ya’ll that Donald Trump was telling us all what he intended to do if he got elected in November as our next president…

This is more or less a reaffirmation of that warning and is an illustration of quite possibly his most direct and boldest and most blunt statement of how he intends to rake us all over the coals in the name of big profits for the richest of the rich of this country.

Trump makes sweeping promises to donors on audacious fundraising tour.

Trump has openly and audaciously, and in my opinion in violation of political fund raising law, been meeting with groups of businessmen and demanding big-money contributions because in his words, “The tax cuts all expire for wealthy and poor and middle-income and everything else, but they expire in another seven months and (Biden’s) not going to renew them, which means taxes are going to go up by four times… ”… which itself is a gross and inaccurate exaggeration…  “You’re going to have the biggest tax increase in history.”

The implication being that if he is elected he will make sure that these beyond rich money grubbing don’t have to pay their fair share of keeping the country solvent and having the funds to support various programs that benefit the overwhelming majority of we the people and our families and friends who struggle on a daily basis to  make it through to another day.

One report said Trump met some of the country’s top donors at a top notch New York hotel and he told the group that one of their fellow capitalist bosses had offered $1 million to his presidential campaign for the honor of the two men having lunch together. He then said, “I’m not having lunch… You’ve got to make it $25 million.”

Trump then told the assembled group that he spoke with another high mucky muck of the business world who usually gave Republicans donations in the $2 million to $3 million neighborhood and told him he wanted between a $25 million or $50 million contribution, or he would not be “very happy.”

Trump is telling these rich SOBs that if they give him big bucks then as the president he will reward them with massive tax cuts.

In another meeting staged by his Save America super PAC, Trump asked oil industry executives to raise $1 billion for his campaign and told these oil barons that raising such a sum would be a “deal” given how much money they would save if he were regained the presidency.  

Forget about the fact that the big bucks he is demanding are way beyond  what his campaign or the Republican Party can legally accept from an individual. Simply put the “donations” in the amounts he is requesting would be in direct violation of federal campaign finance laws.  

Campaign finance lawyer Larry Noble says Trump can’t ask for donors to give contributions over $3,300 for his campaign, but that he can circumvent that technicality by putting in an appearance at events for his super PAC where the price of admission far exceeds the amount he is able to ask for personally. That’s the trick… as long as he doesn’t ask for the money directly it is effectively no holds barred on how much money he can demand from his rich as fuck ass kissing capitalist pals.

Trump is meeting with all sorts of big time folks in real estate, legal, finance, oil and other major business areas and is promising them all that as their next president he would  he would make sure that the top items on their agenda lists would be passed and enacted into legislation that would greatly enhance the money they could insert into their personal accounts.

In the meeting with the oil people he promised to cut taxes on corporations and give oil executives an array of policies they wanted but they needed to “be generous, please.”

Also earlier this month he made similar money requests and promise at a fundraiser that was held at the home of Kentucky coal baron Joe Craft.  

Fat Cat Trump

And earlier this year he met with financial big wigs in Palm Beach and asked them exactly what regulations they viewed as the most burdensome and troublesome to their profit mongering from their business practices and policies. Again the implication being he would make sure those regulations would be changed or revoked so that the the existing regulations would be most advantageous to their ability to make money…profits.  

In short he is telling us all that for the right price he will sell us down the river so that he can regain the White House and the associated power that comes with it so that he and his elite rich capitalist comrades can rake in money in amounts that heretofore have been unimaginable.

Amounts that America… that we the people… can ill afford have go into his and their pockets.

Another thousand words… 

Editorial cartoon Roundup for Friday, May 10, 2024 - Duluth News Tribune |  News, weather, and sports from Duluth, Minnesota