Who will be the better commander in chief?


Who will be the better commander in chief? Kamala Harris or Donald Trump?

Whether we like it or not this country is very seriously involved, for better or worse (all too often for the worse in my opinion) in international affairs. The U.S. government fingers are intertwined in probably every other country’s pies in one way or another… from the huge amounts of aid we give to Israel ($3.3 billion) and Ukraine ($16.4 billion) to  the piddling pocket change we give to France and the U.K. ($25,000). But like it or not we are involved in other countries political workings.

And a sad reality in this world is that there are some countries out there that have governments being run by some extremely bad intentioned folks who are a real threat to what is commonly referred to as “World Peace.”

It ultimately comes down to this…

That regardless of what side of the political spectrum you may be inclined to lean with… old time anti-war give-peace-a-chance progressive or straight-ass give ’em hell conservative… it matters this November who winds up getting selected to be the United States of America’s president, i.e., its commander in chief. It matters who will be sitting in the Oval Office dealing with those bad intentioned heads of state of their respective countries governments.

In Trump we have a former president running who supposedly has commander in chief experience and setting foreign affairs and national security policy…


In Harris we have an incumbent vice president who has been an advisor to the guy (Biden) who is presently in charge of  setting foreign affairs and national security policy.

And Harris… regardless of her experience, or lack of…  is the better choice to be  our county’s next commander in chief for the next four years.

I could go on forever and a day enumerating all my rationales for why Trump isn’t the best choice to be America’s commander in chief in charge of international and national security policies, but I believe I got two big reasons that should suffice for my purposes here.

Reason one Harris would be a better commander in chief if that while Trump was the country’s president and in charge of foreign and national security policy he sucked doing it… and what he did do…. and sometimes didn’t do… mostly wound up being against our the U.S.’s best interests and pissing off a lot of the country’s biggest and most favored best allies.

Reason two is what went down in the recent debate between Harris and Trump.

And the winner is…

Forget for the moment that Harris wiped the floor with his filthy lying ass and just concentrate on what Trump himself told we the America voters… by what he said and how acted and then reacted to when Harris and/or the moderators challenged or corrected him when he lied…  which was constantly and non-stop during the entirety of the debate.

Harris for the most part was calm and measured in how she presented herself, her positions on the issues and how she spoke.

Trump was all over the place, rarely on topic and maybe exhibited on of the more bat-shit crazy performances of this presidential campaign.

Simply put, if Trump gets as annoyed, bewildered, disturbed  and flustered when Harris… or anyone at all for that matter…  questions the size of the crowds at appear at this rallies or how long those folks actually stay to hear him ramble on incessantly about anything and everything but real and workable political policies that benefit we the people then how in the hell is he ever going to deal with actual strongmen such as China’s Xi Jinping or Russia’s Vladimir Putin?

At one point during the debate Trump spoke about the “good relationship” he has with Putin and that the current administration hasn’t said word “boo” in over two years… like it matters being a supposed “best bud” with arguably the worlds’ biggest despot who is presently waging war on a neighboring country and clearly has no interest in serious peace negotiation.  

And then taking it to another level… BAM!… he bragged that far-right demagogue Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that “the most respected, most feared person is Donald Trump.”

Proving to any one listening that had half a brain that on the foreign policy and national security stage Trump is just a dupe who is easily swayed and used by the so-called leaders of the most worlds most tyrannical, authoritarian, autocratic and dictatorial governments.

And maybe more eye opening was Trump did not say especially when he was asked by moderator David Muir (ABC News): “Do you want Ukraine to win this war?”

Trump’s reply was: “I want the war to stop.”

Take that as a “no” for Ukraine and a big “yes” for Putin and the Russian oligarchy.

And considering Trump’s performance and the fact that ABC said 95% of what he said during the debate was either wrong or an outright lie and the other 5% was questionable at best… who you gonna pick to be the commander in chief of America?

The old, cranky white guy who is having brain addled moments and will act the demented lapdog fool to cozy up to the worlds despots?

Or the calm, cool and collected former San Francisco DA and California AG who has dealt with putting evil doers in their proper places.

Kamala Harris for a hopeful America…

If as Trump has been wont to say… and in fact still keeps saying it despite Harris telling him he isn’t running against Biden no more but her… that the 81-year old Biden was a victim of age related issues and not fit to be the president of the United States of America because of those perceived issues then in what reality is it intelligent and wise to hand the presidency of the country, along with some super sensitive stuff like the country’s nuclear codes, to a 78-year old who is rambling on and on about illegal immigrants running roughshod through Ohio eating people’s pet cats and dogs?

Bottom line?

Kamala should be your choice for president this November for not only a strong America bounding cheerfully into a brave new future for all of we the people of America but also as a strong presence on the world stage of diplomatic relations with both the world’s leading democracies as well as its tyrannical autocrats.

Another thousand words…


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