Trump blubbers about the Obama’s “personal attacks…”

Cry Baby Trump


Seems the grand narcissist Donald Trump has problems dealing with criticisms of his political acumen in the real world as well as many of his personal opinions that are mostly based upon sometimes some very wild and/or strange fabrications.  

In particular Trump lashed out at the Obamas… the former president and first lady of the country… after they delivered well-received speeches at the Democratic National Convention where some sharped edged words got the assembled party loyalists applauding in appreciation.   

Barack elicited some laughs from the DNC crowd when he deftly played on Trump’s insecurities by questioning his obsession with crowd sizes.

Michelle delivered what could be called the knock punch that got the crowd to its feet in a thunderous roar when she said, “For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us… his limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hard-working, highly educated, successful people who happened to be Black.”

Michelle & Barack Obama at Democratic National Convention.

A result of the criticisms was that Trump recently appeared at a rally and bitched that the Obamas were taking potshots at “your president.” In particular he said Barack “… was very nasty. (While) I try to be nice to people.”

This from a dude who on a daily basis is constantly belittling and insulting all sorts of folks… from armed forces veterans to former prisoners of war to people with disabilities to folks migrating to America to every one of his rivals, regardless of political party.  Instead of sticking to policy at his public appearances he is instead regularly going way off script with personal attacks on and weirdly strange tangents… such praising fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter or mulling over the respective benefits of being attacked by sharks or suffering electrocution.

And certain people… with Trump heading up the crowd… said Biden was getting was getting too old and senile with his repeated memory lapses and moments of confusion; his weakened speaking voice; and his flashes of inappropriate anger at various underlings or the press?


And I’ve alluded to this before in previous WTF columns… but…

Make America Think Again

Keep it up Donnie boy. Keep on keeping on running your mouth with your bullshit… with the insults and denigrations of others… because in the long run its to piss of a lot of folks and wind up costing potential votes that could be the difference between winning and losing in November.

Especially when the choice is between a dour elderly old white man with some obvious cognitive issues in Donald Trump or a much younger and joyful person who is a politically experienced and adept mixed race woman who is more in tune with the hopes and needs of people across all age groups in Kamala Harris.

Ms. Harris who has her sights firmly placed on being appointed by we the people to fill the most important Black job that there is in today’s America… the presidency of the Untied States of America.

And on another Trump topic…

Trump speaks behind bulletproof glass during a campaign rally in North Carolina.

In Trump’s first outdoor campaign event since a gunman took a shot at him at a rally in Butler (Pennsylvania) last month he delivered his comments behind a wall of bulletproof glass panels.  

Anyone besides me find it outrageously ironic that  the only presidential candidate telling us all that America does not have a gun problem is…

The grumpy old white dude who is hiding behind bulletproof glass to deliver that message?   

In case you all forgot…

Rev. Al Sharpton (background center) and 4 members of The Exonerated Five… Korey Wise, (from left), Yusef Salaam, Kevin Richardson and Raymond Santana appear at Democratic National Convention.

During the last day of last week’s Democratic National Convention, Yusef Salaam, Korey Wise, Raymond Santana and Kevin Richardson… four of the so-called Central Park Five (a group of five teenagers wrongfully imprisoned for the 1989 rape of a jogger who Trump unabashedly called to be executed for “their crime”) spoke and issued a dire warning of what a second Trump presidency could.. and probably would… bring.

Wise, one of the five wrongly convicted and imprisoned minority youths pointedly said, “Thirty-five years ago, my friends and I were in prison for a crime we did not commit. Our youth was stolen from us. Every day, as we walked into a courtroom, people screamed at us, threatening us because of Donald Trump.”

Wise is alluding to the fact that during their trial, Trump, already a prominent figure in New York City for his real estate dealings, took out full-page ads in four newspapers that said, “I want to hate these muggers and murderers. They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes. They must serve as examples so that others will think long and hard before committing a crime or an act of violence.”  In effect calling for the death penalty to be reinstated with the express purpose being to execute the Central Park Five teenagers.

Salaam told the DNC crowd that “he wanted us dead.” He then added, “Today we are exonerated because the actual perpetrator confessed, and DNA ruled. That guy still says he still stands by the original guilty verdict. He dismisses the scientific evidence rather than admit he was wrong. He has never changed, and he never will.”

Harlem Councilman Yusef Salaam speaks at DNC.

It was not the first time Salaam has warned what a Trump presidency could mean. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Salaam publicly spoke out about his concerns about the racism that Trump co would bring into the office of the presidency. In a October 2016 op-ed for The Washington Post, he said, “He called for blood in the most public way possible…  I don’t know why the future Republican nominee bought those ads, but it seems part and parcel with his racist attitudes.”

He went on to add,  “… he’s somehow still convinced that we belong in prison. When the Republican nominee was recently asked about the Central Park Five, he said, ‘They admitted they were guilty.’ … It’s further proof of Trump’s bias, racism and inability to admit that he’s wrong.”

And on Thursday at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago Salaam urged the crowd to throw their support behind Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz in November when he told all those assembled that Trump “thinks that hate is the animating force in America. It is not,. We have the constitutional right to vote. In fact, it is a human right. So let us use it … and together, on November 5, we will usher in Kamala Harris and Tim Walz into the White House.”


Another thousand words…


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