What America wants is what Kamala Harris wants…


Recent polls across America have Kamala Harris and Donald Trump running mostly neck and neck as the favorite to win in the November presidential election.

Recent presidential poll results…

Which I find kinda, sorta a tad surprising considering that a supermajority of we the people tend to agree with Harris… the Democratic Party… on most of , if not almost all, the issues that we all claim to be most important to us , our families and loved ones as well as the safekeeping of democracy in the United States.    

In recent polls at least 75% of we the people are in favor of…

  • Keeping the Affordable Care Act essentially intact.
  • Allowing Americans over the age of 55 to purchase Medicare.
  • Increasing SNAP benefits (what used to be called Food stamps).
  • An expansion of the earned income tax credit.
  • Raising the minimum wage.
  • Taxing capital gains at the same rate as ordinary income for those making more than $1 million.
  • Adopting a 4% surtax for those whose income is above $5 million.
  • Adopting a 1% surtax on corporations tha have income above $100 million
  • Making anyone earning over $400,000 subject to the payroll tax which funds our Social Security benefits.
  • Providing green energy subsidies for the cost of equipment for those companies that produce clean energy as well as companies that provide energy-saving improvements such as fuel-efficient lighting, doors, windows, or insulation or for installing a new energy-efficient heating or air-conditioning system.
  • Requiring police officers to intervene when another officer is using excessive force
  • Requiring police officers to wear and turn on body cameras when responding to any police call or having any interactions with any person for any reason.
  • Establishing a national database or registry of police misconduct, available to all police departments and the public.
  • That when responding to 911 calls tha tare related to a person having a mental health issue to do so with mental health professionals rather than cops.
  • Providing DACA recipients with full legal status and a path to citizenship.
  • Increasing visas for skilled workers
  • Hiring more personnel to speed up processing asylum claims.
  • Reaffirming our commitment to NATO.
  • Support teaching Black history in our schools.
  • Stop banning books.
  • A federal law to legalize marijuana use.

In addition… 68% of people recently polled want a federal action to protect a woman’s right to choose… 67% support banning assault weapons and/or high-capacity magazines… and… 65% support creating term limits for Supreme Court justices.   

Democracy over the divine right of a wanna-be king…

We the people overwhelmingly support the issues that Kamala Harris and the Democrats are promoting as their agenda for what will be done if we the people elect Harris as our next present.

In as simple words as I can put it… Harris is in agreement with the consensus views of America. 

The Trump campaign, the MAGA movement and the Republican Party in general is, frankly, in opposition to what the majority… by a wide margin… of what we the people want.

So I’m really at a loss for an explanation for why the polls show that we the people are basically on the fence for voting for Harris in November when it’s Harris, and not Trump, who is promising to deliver what  Americans want.

Harris stands where the American people stand on a whole host of issues and for keeping the ideals that the United States was founded upon intact.

Kamala Harris

It is Trump who wants to shred the fabric of America… not Harris.

She’s part of the supermajority on the issues voters care about most.

So why in the hell don’t we all support her a hell of a lot more than the damn polls are indicating?

Go figure.

I’m probably preaching to the choir here about what Harris and her campaign are about but on the off chance I might reach someone who is actually on the fence for how they will cast their vote in November I’ll just keep on keeping on reminding y’all about the truth of which candidate is most closely aligned with what we the people want America to be…

Vote Blue this November…

It should be a no-brainer this November…  

A vote for Kamala Harris for president will not only be a vote to preserve democracy in America but it will also be a giant step to improving the lives of each and every one of we the people in America.

So get out and vote in November and vote Blue… and spread the word… the truth… about Harris so all your relatives, your friends and your associates will vote Blue, too.

Another thousand words…


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