WTF 7/17/2024

Political Cartoon U.S. Trump Statue of Liberty immigration family  separation | The Week

Mainstream Media and Biden’s gaffes vis-à-vis  Trump’s misrepresentations and lies… 


Joe Biden

I am having an incredibly hard time wrapping my head around the rabid attention that mainstream media is displaying almost daily  that is lambasting Biden for his supposedly poor showing during the recent Presidential debate as well as its devotion to various news articles and broadcasts related to his  Bidens “old age” and various age related afflictions such as Parkinson’s disease and his various public gaffes. Yet seems to, more often than not as of late, tend to back page if not sometimes ignore stories regarding Donald Trump’s numerous flubs… including various and outright lies… during the debate and on the campaign trail.

For instance going back through his somewhat recent career in politics…

Remember when Trump once called Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as “the leader of Turkey”?

Or the time when he announced “a big hello to Sioux Falls” when he was actually speaking in Sioux City?

Or when he “suggested” that “nuking” or dropping a bomb inside the eye of a hurricane would make the storm break up and dissipate harmlessly away?

Or that the sound that windmills make causes cancer?

Or one of my personal all-time favorite flubs of his… that the Continental Army “took over the airports” during the Revolutionary War?

Or how he probably contributed to even more deaths during the Covid pandemic because he said that if a person ingested a certain disinfectant it would stop Covid?

Or how he somehow manages to confuse… at least three times in the last few months… former President Barack Obama with Biden?

Or how he relatively recently confused his once upon time opponent for the Republican nomination Nikki Haley with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi?

Biden/Trump 2024 debate

Or what is maybe Trump’s most glaring and baffling error of the mall… when during the 2023 trial for the lawsuit filed by former columnist E. Jean Carrol and when he was a photo taken in 1987 of Trump and his first wife, Ivana, at a social event with another couple, Trump misidentified the other woman in the photo… twice… as his second wife, Marla Maples. Th woman in the photo was in fact the plaintiff, Carroll… a person who he claimed he had never met. Not to mention the reality that Trump didn’t marry Ms. Maples until six years later, in 1993. 

Or of the many lies and false claims he has said and made during his political career including in the recent debate with Biden… some of the more egregious being…

Claiming that the Democrats want to kill the baby … “They will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth… after birth… if you look at the former governor of Virginia, he was willing to do this. He said, ‘We’ll put the baby aside, and will determine what we do with the baby,’ meaning, ‘We’ll kill the baby.’” Simply a blatant, bald-faced lie. The Associated Press’s fact check of this claim is succinct: “Infanticide is criminalized in every state, and no state has passed a law that allows killing a baby after birth.”

His claim that “everybody wanted” the Supreme Court to kill Roe v. Wade and for abortion law to be determined on a state-by-state basis…. for the record… almost all polls have repeatedly shown that a substantial majority of Americans oppose the Supreme Court’s decision.

Deflecting a question about the January 6 insurrection, by instead blaming Nancy Pelosi for turning down a chance to deploy the national guard… a patent lie… first, there is no evidence Pelosi got an offer to deploy national guard troops, and second, even if she did, she wouldn’t have the power to turn it down because only the president, defense secretary and army secretary have command of the Washington DC national guard.

Trump doubling down on his falsehoods about migrants including his claims that the border is “the most dangerous place in the world” and that “(immigrants are) taking black jobs and they’re taking Hispanic jobs.” As NAACP president Derrick Johnson told NBC News…  “There’s no such thing as a Black job or a white job.”

Or when he wasn’t outfight lying to us all during the debate he just said some inane stuff…

Such as…

When he was asked about climate change, Trump bragged that when he was president, “We had H2O. We had the best numbers ever.” 


When asked about the opioid addiction crisis, which was mostly caused by prescription drugs, Trump said, “We got great equipment. We bought the certain dog. That’s the most incredible thing that you’ve ever seen, the way they can spot it. We did a lot. And we had… we were getting very low numbers.” … putting aside the stupidity of what he said, the truth of the matter and very simply put… the numbers of opioid overdoses were never “very low” under Trump, and by the time he left office they approached 100,000 deaths per year. 

Yet when was the last time any of y’all have seen anything in print or heard over the air from MSM about Trump’s forgetfulness, flubs, misrepresentations, lies or old age?

Voting blue…

Understand this from the get go… I am not nor have I ever been a fan of Joe Biden’ root politics since the days he was a senator and was arguably the main cause of the mass incarceration of thousands of people (most of them who were Black or poor or both) through legislation he drafted and/or sponsored that included but is not limited to the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act and the Law Enforcement Act of 1994.

But if it comes down to a choice voting for a possibly brain addled old fart to be our next president or voting for a person whom I consider to be one of the most dangerous individuals during my lifetime to our personal freedoms and the idea of justice and liberty for all… then I’m going with the co-called “old fart”.

I am not a proponent of doing this as a general rule but this November I am voting Blue no matter who.

And you should too if America really matters to you.

A last thought for the week…

Trump assassination attempt

What recently happened during a Trump rally in Pennsylvania… the supposed attempt upon Donald Trump’s life by a gunman… and presently about recent postings on social media sites that it was some sort of a false flag operation… it was staged… that was concocted by Trump’s minions and/or Trump himself…  

If any evidence should ever come out that this was what happened… that this evil fuck or that any of his so-called people have in fact anything to do with this assassination attempt being a false flag operation during which an innocent person, who by all the accounts was trying to protect his loved ones, was shot and killed… murdered… then he and those responsible should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of all and any relative laws… nay laws….

And in my opinion if found guilty then federal jail as a consequence would not be a fair or just option for him or for them. Put them all behind bars in someplace like Los Angeles County or Montgomery County Jail.. in general population.

Nuff said.

Another thousand words… 

Not Given 🍁 on X: "Donald John Trump assaulted lady liberty so Putin  wouldn't have to. #VoteBlue and give America dignity again. 🇺🇸" / X