Republican’s idea of justice…


If you are looking for a “hint” of how our American society will become overwhelming overbearing and repressive if Trump is elected as the country’s president then look no further than what the Republican Party, especially through their control of the House of Representatives intends to do politically now that Trump is a 34-count convicted felon.

House Speaker Mike Johnson

House Speaker Mike Johnson says he will utilize House oversight powers and other measures to target jurisdictions pursuing prosecutions of the former president with the main purpose being to “punish” the Democrats for going after Trump through the federal and state court systems to hinder his election campaign by weaponizing the justice system.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)is already prepared about to throw a wrench into the political system and screwing up all the debate reading any and all Democratic proposed laws by threatening to file a resolution before the week’s end to impeach Biden. In fact Greene left a recent meeting with Johnson where she demanded “in the loudest most possible way” that Johnson allow the House a vote on removing Biden or she will force such a vote.

Also a faction of 11 conservative senators led by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) pledged to slow down Senate business by voting against all of Biden’s judicial and political nominees and refusing to speed up consideration of any “Democrat legislation.” Not to mention the money… our tax money… that will be wasted, essentially flushed down the toilet, with a stalled federal legislation.  

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) nails it when he said, “You had 12 jurors come to a unanimous conclusion, and the former president was guilty of 34 felonies, and that, that somehow is indication of weaponization when that was a state prosecution that had nothing to do with President Biden or the Department of Justice.”

The historic verdict against a former president has cemented support from Hill Republicans, who have cast doubt on the fairness of the judicial system as they frame the convictions as an abuse of power and a threat to U.S. democracy ahead of an election. Though a majority of Republican lawmakers across the ideological spectrum have condemned the verdict, some worry that the ferocity of the denunciations will erode trust in government and the courts.

And to illustrate how completely fucked up the Republican Party is right now, Republicans, from the most conservative to moderate, said their backing of Trump is based on how their constituents reacted and that some, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly, said that they issued statements in fear of how his base would react if they stayed quiet.

Simply put they lack the moral fortitude needed to think for themselves and do the right thing by working within the political system to enact legislation that would benefit we the people because they fear that Trump’s base supporters would not vote for them when their term is up for reelection.

Trump’s base….

Trump himself has spurred on his loyal base of voters by claiming he is a political martyr and that if the Biden administration and judicial system were not coming after him, they would go after those folks who support his ass. And right on cue Republicans such as Rep. Kevin Hern (R-Okla.) says, “This is less about Trump and more about America. This is beyond Trump. [Democrats] have used Trump to weaponize the court system, and then it could be us. It could be anybody.”

Ans Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) accused the Justice Department as colluding with the New York district attorney’s office and blaming Attorney General Merrick Garland of fueling conspiracy theories by withholding information about alleged communications.

Garland responded by saying, “We do not control those offices. They make their own decisions.”

And in fact there is not even a scintilla of proof… a hint of any evidence whatsoever… that the Justice Department was involved in the New York case which was obviously prosecuted on the state level and not federal at all. And in the two federal cases against Trump… one of his handling of classified documents and the other of his alleged role in trying to overturn the 2020 election… Garland appointed a special counsel in Jack Smith in an effort to insulate the Justice Department from the investigations.

Besides which if Justice was being controlled by the Democrats…. aka Biden… to manipulate the system to go after Trump and then in an effort to completely FUBAR his presidential campaign then why in the hell did they not stop Justice from prosecuting Hunter Biden… the president’s son  on tax evasion charges and allegations that he lied about his drug use when buying a gun. Of which he was just convicted himself in a Delaware court of law by what was supposedly an impartial jury of his peers just like Trump was convicted by a New York jury. 

One Republican while kinda, sorta supporting Trump had what might be a moment of clarity when she said that her constituents “don’t want to focus on these issues… they’re all less interested in the drama at the national level and they’re just trying to make ends meet within their own lives.”

However many, if not most, Republicans  expressed the opposing view and in the words of Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) claim that “One of the biggest threats to democracy is the politicization, corruption of our justice system.”

And to make their point on this matter the Republicans fully intend to politicize and corrupt the courts and our system of justice as well as mucking up the present political process in America so that they can get even  with the Democrats for supposedly manipulating the Department of Justice to go after Trump.

Donald Trump

And if Trump is elected to a second term as our president expect these pound of flesh revenge tactics being proposed by of the Republican Party members who support Trump to be the blue print whereby Trump will fully politicize our justice system to exact revenge upon anyone and everyone who ever dared to oppose him on any possible level that he could conceive of or imagine.

That is small window into the probable future of the United States of  America that will be forced upon we the people if we elect Donald Trump this November.

Under a second Trump presidency we will learn how cruel, drastic, heavy-handed, oppressive, severe and truly draconian he can truly be as he bullies his way into using the U.S. system of government to run his organized crime syndicate so he can enrich his pockets to the tune of millions of millions of our tax dollars into his bank accounts.

Another thousand words…


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