Trump is warning you…


Donald Trump was interviewed by Time magazine and has made public statements to the media elsewhere as well and essentially told these salient facts about what he intends to do “when” he is elected in November as our next president…

In no specific order…

How far would Trump go if he wins?

He will issue an executive order that would allow him to reclassify masses of government employees that he claims are “corrupt bureaucrats who have weaponized our justice system” as well as any “corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus.” Meaning that he would target people within any federal and/or other government agencies that he believes were involved in seeking and pursuing criminal cases against him for his version of “legal” retribution… aka personal revenge and persecution.  

He would initiate having various government agencies embark upon a nationwide roundup of all undocumented migrants and place them in detention camps before subsequent deportation… Trump would also reimpose his travel ban that originally targeted seven Muslim-majority countries and expand it to… in his words… “keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the country.” As part of this plan he would begin a system of “ideological screening” for all people who are attempting to immigrate into the United States. Furthermore he would end birthright citizenship through an executive order that would introduce a legally untested interpretation of the 14th Amendment which would prevent federal agencies from granting automatic citizenship to the children of people who are in the U.S. illegally.

He would also send highly armed and armored camo-clad troops into America’s cities to supposedly fight violent crime, whether or not the folks in those jurisdictions actually want the “help.” Crime that is already on a definite downward swing in most if not all of our major urban areas.

Trump has said he will stand with Israel in its war with Hamas and support Israel’s efforts to “destroy” the militant group… thereby continuing the U.S. funding of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s policies of genocide against the Palestinians who reside in Gaza.

He plans to strip the Federal Reserve of its political independence and enable the president to fire its chair at will which would effectively enable and make him and his as the sole makers of all the country’s  economically necessary monetary decisions…

Trump will demand that Congress pass a bill establishing that in the United States there are “only two genders,” as determined at birth. And as part of this crackdown he will declare that hospitals and health care providers that offer transitional hormones or surgery to people who identify as transsexual will no longer be eligible for receiving federal funds, effectively blocking all Medicaid and Medicare dollars. I addition he would push Congress to prohibit hormonal or surgical intervention for transgender minors in all 50 states.

He would ramp up oil drilling on public lands and offer tax breaks to oil, gas, and coal producers.

Trump promises that he will terminate the Department of Education… and push the federal government to give funding preference to states and school districts that abolish teacher tenure, adopt merit pay to reward good teachers and allow the direct election of school principals by parents.

In addition he will engage upon a program will promote prayer in all U.S. public schools.

Trump’s 2025 vision for America revealed…

Trump also intends to fight for “patriotic education” to b a part of all U.S. schools curricula and that under his administration schools will “teach students to love their country, not to hate their country like they’re taught right now” and will promote “the nuclear family” including “the roles of mothers and fathers” and the “things that make men and women different and unique.”

And just for the hell of it… he would pardon all the insurrectionists convicted in the January 6 attack and riot at the Capitol during Congress’ attempt to rightfully validate Biden’s being elected as our president in 2020.  

Trump is giving you fair warning of what his intentions are if elected to be our next president if you will will simply listen.

So make sure you vote in the upcoming presidential election in November… and… make sure you vote Blue simply because your freedom… whatever we presently still have… depends upon it. 

Economics in America…

The income a family needs to live comfortably in the U.S.

Recently on various social media platforms  there has been an illustration that supposedly shows what a family needs to earn to live comfortably in the various fifty states throughout America. (See the illustration to the right.) 

The lowest amount in earnings is the $190,000 a year a family should make in Mississippi. 

In a word… absurd. 

Few people in any of these states make anywhere near that the indicated amounts in salary a family supposedly needs to have to live comfortably… which I would take to is having all the family’s needs… food, housing, clothing, education, transportation, health care and so forth being met with money left over for at lest some from of recreational activities to take place.  

In my home state… Connecticut… the amount is $280,000.evet crazier and more absurd. 

In 2024 in America the average household income is roughly $76,000.

We know this through the statistics collected by Social Security Administration (SSA), which collects and compiles all the wage statistics of we the people who work thr0ought this country

Secondly we also know this through the U.S. Census Bureau. The U.S. Census Bureau regularly conducts surveys such as the Consumer Finance Survey, Current Population Survey, and Annual Social and Economic Supplements Survey.

The only problem with these surveys is that they don’t do them annually. The surveys are more on a bi-annual or tri-annual basis.

But according to the U.S. Census Bureau in 2020, the average household income in America was $62,000… and…in 2021 the average household income was roughly $68,000.

Capitalism is not healthy…

By extrapolating for inflation and probably increases in wages it can be construed that the likely two-income earning average household income is mot probably close to being between $72,000 to $80,000.

In short just an about no family, except for the extreme upper crust, of any state makes the supposed necessary income annually to live comfortably anywhere in these United States of America.

And In short if the illustration above is anywhere near being valid with its economic estimates then we the people of this damn country… as if we aren’t already there…  re headed for a  world of extreme hurt.

Still think capitalism is a sane and productive method for making sure people live healthy, productive  and fulfilling lives?

If anyone does the maybe y’all might be interested in this bridge I got for sale in NYC. Cheap at just a few hundred thou.

Another thousand words…




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