House Republicans seek to rename Dulles Airport after Trump…


The Republican Party and their elected politicians has now… assuming they had yet to cross the line previously before my saying this… officially crossed the line into total absurdity and inanity. At least the Republican politicians who populate the House of Representatives… the verdict regarding the Senate Republicans is still kinda, sorta swaying in the wind.

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-Pa.),

On Friday (3/29) a bill (H.R. 7845) was filed by Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-Pa.), along with six other fugazied  Republican co-sponsors… Reps. Andrew Ogles and Chuck Fleischmann of Tennessee, Michael Waltz of Florida, Paul A. Gosar of Arizona, Barry Moore of Alabama and Troy E. Nehls of Texas… that would rename Washington Dulles International Airport to Donald J. Trump International Airport.

Thankfully this proposed  piece of drek legislation to name the Virginia airport after the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential candidate faces tough odds to have even a smidgen of a hope of being passed… forget about ever being enacted while the Democrats control the Senate and the presidency.

But the fact that these chowder heads even proposed this bill is proof the House Republicans are not serious about conducting the job they were elected to do by the people of their respective states… which presumably is to create and offer meaningful bills to be seriously and rationally (hopefully) debated to eventually be enacted into laws that benefit we the people… in particular  we the people who are the most vulnerable of these United States of America.  

With the country and the world in relative turmoil with various significant pressing matters that need consideration and addressing… such as a national security funding package, funding for the Ukraine to defeat Putin’s Red army, whether the U.S. should continue supplying Israel with weapons and munitions to continue their annihilation and destruction of the Palestinian people in Gaza as well as other areas of the Middle East just to mention a few issues that could top off a list… these ass-kissing lackies perform a sieg heil to their mien further… one despicable and heinous jackass in Donald Trump.   

The bill now sits with the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for consideration.

In a  statement that introduced the bill to the public Reschenthaler said, “As millions of domestic and international travelers fly through the airport, there is no better symbol of freedom, prosperity and strength than hearing ‘Welcome to Trump International Airport’ as they land on American soil.”

Sorry if I just made you cough up your most recent meal. But this dumb-ass with sand for brains said those words in all seriousness…. at least I am assuming he was being serious since he never said it was an early April Fools joke.

As was to be expected Democrats blasted the bill…

Dulles International Airport

Rep. Abigail Spanberger, who is running for governor of Virginia the state where the Dulles Airport exists, said, “The idea is ridiculous…Yet this is what a Member of House Republican leadership focuses on — renaming Virginia’s Dulles airport after Trump.”

The most astute and appropriate comment (at least in my humble opinion) was issued by Rep. Gerry Connolly (also from Virginia) when he said “Donald Trump is facing 91 felony charges. If Republicans want to name something after him, I’d suggest they find a federal prison.”

And US Representative Don Beyer who represents Virginia’s Eighth Congressional District issued an email to the Washingtonian that said, “One of my first memories of the Trump presidency is when I went to help terrified people at Dulles airport whose family members, some of whom were grandparents, were detained for hours after Donald Trump imposed his first Muslim Ban. Many of the people who were detained were permanent American residents, persecuted by the full force of their own government under Donald Trump not for anything they did wrong, but because of their faith. I also remember Republicans – like those who just introduced legislation to rename this airport after Trump – hiding and giving mealy mouthed responses when asked about the chaos and suffering Trump’s bigotry caused. They know our airport will never be named after Trump, but that’s not the point, the point is to suck up to their Dear Leader.”

To even suggest naming anything after Donald Trump is in a word… absurd.

And while I believe he might only be facing 88 different charges in ongoing cases in various court rooms… and not the 91 mentioned by Rep. Connolly… Republican-appointed judges are currently raising their voice over Trump attacks on prevailing U.S. law.

Judge Reggie Walton

On Thursday (3/28) U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton said that Donald Trump’s social media attacks against the judge presiding over the former president’s hush money trial in Manhattan and his daughter, were direct assaults on the rule of law that could lead to violence and tyranny when he told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, “When judges are threatened, and particularly when their family is threatened, it’s something that’s wrong and should not happen. It is very troubling because I think it is an attack on the rule of law.”

Walton, who was appointed by presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush to courts in Washington in 1981 and 1991, added that “any reasonable, thinking person” would appreciate the impact of Trump’s rhetoric on some followers, intentional or not. He further told CNN that “The rule of rule of law can only be maintained if we have independent judicial officers who are able to do their job and ensure that the laws are in fact enforced and that the laws are applied equally to everybody who appears in our courthouse.” Walton said he felt it necessary to speak out of concern for the “future of our country and the future of democracy in our country, because if we don’t have a viable court system that’s able to function efficiently, then we have tyranny.”

According to the U.S. Marshals Service, and as reported by Reuters, since Trump began escalating his attacks on the judiciary, serious investigated threats against federal judges have more than doubled, from 224 in 2021 to 457 in 2023. Reports from federal judges say at least half of trial judges handling cases arising from the January 6 Capitol insurrection have been threatened and/or harassed with some being issued death threats to their personal domiciles. 

Other GOP appointed federal judges joined Walton in speaking out with a decided urgency about Trump’s disregard for historical facts and their alarm at his increasingly graphic and at times violent description of defendants prosecuted in the January 6 insurrection as “political prisoners” and “hostages” who did nothing wrong.

Judge Royce Lamberth

When issuing a sentence over one January 6 insurgent  U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth said, “In my 37 years on the bench, I cannot recall a time when such meritless justifications of criminal activity have gone mainstream… I have been dismayed to see distortions and outright falsehoods seep into the public consciousness.”

Judge Lamberth, another Reagan appointee, who after he had presided over dozens of trials, listened to hundreds of hours of testimony, and receiving thousands of pages of briefing in January 6 cases, said, “The rioters interfered with a necessary step in the constitutional process, disrupted the lawful transfer of power and thus jeopardized the American constitutional order. Although the rioters failed in their ultimate goal, their actions nonetheless resulted in the deaths of multiple people, injury to over 140 members of law enforcement and lasting trauma for our entire nation,”

Lamberth added, “This was not patriotism; it was the antithesis of patriotism.”

Also in January, and after his retirement after completing 40 years on the bench and sentencing 26 January 6 defendants, U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan similarly told a group of Georgetown Law School students that false claims that riot defendants were acting like tourists or patriots were destructive rewriting of reality… which Trump as well as many Republican congressfolks have claimed. 

Hogan added, “And we have to wonder where this is going to end up if that’s part of our history, this fraudulent story” by Trump that the 2020 election was stolen.

It should be especially noted that Hogan and Lamberth were both appointed by President Reagan, and both served as chief judges of the U.S. District Court in Washington… the Court that has presided over more than 1,350 prosecutions for the January 6 insurrection that resulted after Trump urged his supporters to march to the Capitol where Congress was certifying the results of the 2020 election.

Several of the 23 D.C. federal judges who have sentenced January 6 defendants have noted Trump’s role in the events that occurred on that day.

Judge Walton in particular called Trump out as a “charlatan” who led his followers into believing unfounded allegations and falsehoods, and who “doesn’t in my view really care about democracy but only about power. And as a result of that, it’s tearing this country apart.”

Judge Thomas Hogan

Hogan told those Georgetown  law students that threats against judges had increased manyfold and that there was “no question about it… encouraged by the prior president, unfortunately.” He added, “I would say half our judges have been seriously threatened. It makes you nervous.”

 I would think so.

Lest it be forgotten five people died in the January 6 riot or in the immediate aftermath, as pro-Trump rioters injured more than 100 police officers, ransacked Capitol offices, and forced lawmakers to evacuate.

This is the man those House Republican ninnies want to rename the Dulles International Airport after.

And just to throw some additional logs on the fire…

Trump continually claims he is a victim of political persecution by the Biden administration as the two men face a 2024 rematch of the 2020 election, an election he continues to maintain he won despite the fact that his arguments to that point have been turned down by nearly 40 courts, his own former White House counsel, former attorney general and various members of his 2020 election campaign.

He currently faces a $450 million civil fraud verdict against his businesses, and four separate criminal cases charging him with paying hush money to an adult film actress, mishandling classified documents, and interfering with the 2020 election results.

Yet these Republican mooks want to “honor” Trump by naming an international airport after his disreputable and insipid ass.

Besides shouldn’t they at least wait until the disgusting piece of crap that Trump is should at least have the “decency” to have passed over into the supposed hell that awaits him before suggesting that something… anything… be named after his disgusting and disreputable personage?

 Ain’t that the way naming stuff after people is supposed to work?

Another thousand words…


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