Trump and his snake oil sales road show…


It is gobsmacking amazing how Trump has swindled… and somehow keeps swindling… a significant portion of the United States voting population into buying into the belief that he, and a second trump presidency, is the answer to whatever dilemma their lives are going through with his network of misinformation, bullshit and outright lies.

Trump and his snake oil road show

Trump and his snake oil road show act has risen to the point where in light of his need to get some fast and easy cash to support his political aspirations due to the strain on his finances because of his various legal complications that he is pimping Bibles for $59.99, sneakers for $199.99 and perfume/cologne for $99.00. That is when he is selling those addled brained suckers on election lies and white nationalism.

In various occasions in his traveling snake oil medicine show that stops in Michigan and Wisconsin…  two Midwestern swing states likely to be critical to the outcome of the 2024 election… he delivered his spiel of red meat pap to his ravenous and almost entirely white audiences that included an announcement that he had won his fraud case in New York when court has not yet even heard his appeal of the fraud judgment against him. In Wisconsin he included his continuance that he won the last presidential election when he told his listeners that “it came out that we won this state” in 2020 with the truth being he lost Wisconsin by 20,682 votes.

But the gist of every speech to his potential voters in 2024 on every one of his stops is his go-to hustle that he is the only guy who can save their lives from were being destroyed by dark-skinned invaders.  “Migrant armies of dangerous criminals” who are producing a “bloodbath” among innocent, native-born Americans due to “Crooked Joe’s” political agendas and policies.

All of which is just again simply not factual and mostly a pack of despicable lies.   

The truth is there is no respectable study that says immigrants… whether legal or undocumented… commit more crimes tha those who are born in the U.S.A.

And that the evidence in fact kinda, sorta overwhelmingly shows that immigrants are more law-abiding than those folks who are good old native born Americans.  

It can’t happen here and now?

But he feeds the thousands of folks who come to feast upon his lies mobs by spewing out the nonsense about the “massive crime” brought by “Biden’s flood of illegal aliens” and how “They’re not humans. They’re not humans. They’re animal. ’ll use the word ‘animal’ because that’s what they are.”

And he doubled down, hell he trebled down, with his falsehoods by telling his most ardent followers that it these “inhuman” migrants are “coming into our country with contagious diseases.” And that each and every one of their neighborhoods will be inundated with “illegal alien criminals crawling through your windows and ransacking your drawers,” where they “loot the jewelry.”

And that when these illegals aren’t stealing their valuables right from under their noises they will be “obliterating Medicare and Social Security” and filling the educational system with “new migrant students who don’t speak a word of English.”

In both Michigan and Wisconsin he told his “they’re coming from places that you don’t want them to come from… from the Congo, Yemen, Somalia, Syria,” and these “animals” are “country-changing, country-threatening and they’re country-wrecking. They’re destroying our country.”

To support his unfounded claims about people coming into the Trump showed a chart that announced “world-record illegal immigrants, many from prisons and mental institutions, also terrorists.” And then bold faced lied by saying  “It’s a Border Patrol chart.”

Again the simple truth… U.S. Customs and Border Protection has produced no such chart now or ever.

But when he is reelected he will fix it all… he will make it all better for his millions of white because “we’re going to end up with the largest deportation in American history.”

I know there is a movement within this country at his time to refrain from voting for Biden in the upcoming presidential election mostly because of the United States provide arms to Israel especially during this time of their horrific attacks upon the Palestinian people in Gaza as well as Biden’s continued support for Benjamin Netanyahu the Israeli prime minister.

But consider this…

ABC’s Jonathan Karl interviews Sarah Matthews, left, Cassidy Hutchinson, center, and Alyssa Farah Griffin.

Three women who served in Trump’s  White House… former White House Communications Director Alyssa Farah Griffin, former White House deputy press secretary Sarah Matthews, and former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson… appeared on ABC News “This Week” and told co-anchor Jonathan Karl that re-electing Donald Trump would be “the end of American democracy as we know it.”

Griffin, now a co-host of ABC’s “The View,” said, “Fundamentally, a second Trump term could mean the end of American democracy as we know it, and I don’t say that lightly. She also directly accused Trump of having gone to “historic and unconstitutional lengths” in attempting to “steal a democratic election” and to stay in power. She also added “What scares me as much as [Trump] and his retribution is the almost cult-like following he has over his most diehard supporters. The threats, the harassment, the death threats that you get when he targets you — and he’s deliberate in targeting — is really horrifying and has no place in our American discourse.”

Matthews said, “We don’t need to speculate what a second Trump term would like because we already saw it play out…  to this day, he still doubles down on the fact that he thinks that the election was stolen and fraudulent.” Matthews also said that Trump’s rhetoric, that includes threats to skirt the Constitution and suggestions about weaponizing the Justice Department to retaliate against his political enemies if reelected, has become “increasingly erratic.”

Hutchison said, “This is a fundamental election to continue to safeguard our institutions and our constitutional republic. We’re extremely fragile as a country, and so is the democratic experiment.” She added, “Our singular focus needs to be, if he is the nominee, on making sure that he is not elected the president again next November.”

The three a Republican Party women as a group said that Trump needs to be stopped from winning in November even if it means electing a Democrat as president.

Add to these three women’s words that Trump’s Defense Secretary Mark Esper called him a “threat to democracy.”

His national security advisor John Bolton declared him “unfit to be president.”

Former Vice President Mike Pence says he’s not endorsing Trump.

And Mike Pence, his VP, won’t endorse him for the presidency due to  “profound differences.”

To be honest I’m not a fan of Joe Biden by any  stretch of the imagination.

I believe he is a mouthpiece for corporate America and is league with promoting capitalism and profits over the lives of not only Americans but of people throughout the world.  

But with our predominant for crap two party political system and the choice it gives us this November Biden gets my vote.  

And he should get your vote too.

The alternative of electing Trump would be an utter disaster and a veritable death sentence for all too many of the most needy and vulnerable of we the people…  whether some of we the peoples want to admit it or not.

Another thousand words…


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